Priyatna Yoopi, S.H.


Yoopie is a graduate of the Faculty of Law of University of Indonesia. He is a member of the Indonesia Bar Association (Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia - PERADI). He is a Capital Market Legal Consultant registered with the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan –OJK), and a member of the Capital Market Legal Consultant Association (Himpunan Konsultan Hukum Pasar Modal – HKHPM). 

Yoopie specializes in capital markets and financial services works. He has handled all kinds of Indonesian capital markets transactions and corporate actions such as initial public offering of stocks and bonds, acquisition and mergers of public companies, rights issue and delisting/go private exercise by listed companies in various industries (e.g. finance companies, manufacturing companies, oil and gas services companies, securities broker dealer companies, investment manager and asset management companies, information technology companies and telecommunication companies).

He has acted as lead Indonesian counsel in respect of listing and public offering of shares at Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Singapore Stock Exchange, Australia Stock Exchange and New York Stock Exchange of various overseas companies holding interest in Indonesian assets. Yoopie has also been acknowledged for his expertise in advising clients on the implementation of Indonesian corporate laws and practices to their business operations.



  • Bachelor of Law, University of Indonesia, 1998.



  • Holder of Advocate license issued by the Indonesian Advocate Association –
  • PERADI No. 16.04608.
  • Capital Market Legal Consultant registered with the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan – OJK).
  • Member of the Capital Market Legal Consultant Association (Himpunan Konsultan Hukum Pasar Modal – HKHPM).