Achmad Khadafi Munir, S.H., M.H.

Managing Partner

Achmad Khadafi Munir, Dafi, is the Managing Partner of DMP. Dafi is a distinguished lawyer who has successfully managed various litigation matters in the area of banking and finance, and criminal law. Before establishing DMP, Dafi practiced in Soebagjo, Jatim and Djarot, Bastaman & Partners (as a Senior Lawyer). Dafi is admitted to practice in Indonesian courts. He is also registered as Capital Market Legal Consultant at the Financial Services Authority (OJK).


·  Bachelor of Law, University of Indonesia, 1999.

·  Master of Law, University of Indonesia, 2002.

·  Capital Market Legal Consultant Professional Education, Jentera Law School, 2014


· Holder of Advocate license No.E.02.11806 issued by Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia – Peradi (Indonesian Advocate Association).

·  Holder of Capital Market Legal Consultant license?STTD No. 25/PM.22/STTD-KH/2015, Member No. 201512 issued by Himpunan Konsultan Hukum Pasar Modal?(HKHPM- Association of Capital Market Legal Consultants).

·  Lembaga Pendukung Penerbitan Surat Berharga Komersial issued by Bank of Indonesia


·  Serikat Pengacara Indonesia (Indonesian Lawyers' Union).

·  Himpunan Konsultan Hukum Pasar Modal (HKHPM - Association of Capital Market Legal Consultants).