Amitri Dinar Sari, S.H.


Amitri joined the National Commission of Human Rights (Komnas HAM) as a human rights mediator in 2011. During her time in the commission, she was appointed to participate in The International Human rights Training Program in Canada. In the same year, she also participated in a Staff Exchange Program - Canadian Human rights Commission as a human rights mediator.


Amitri successfully managed and solved numerous human rights violations cases during her duty period in Komnas HAM. Subsequently, she took those experience as a mediator as her specific area of expertise. She continued to provide legal consultations to clients.



  • Bachelor of Law, University of Indonesia, 2000.
  • The International Human Rights Training Program 2001 - Canada.



  • Alumni of International Human rights.



  • Holder of Advocate license issued by the Indonesian Advocate Association – PERADI No.